Existing site

We first need to know a little more about your existing site.

Your nearest location

A representation of your load profile is shown below. Use the chart controls to modify load intensity and adjust for times of day.
If the default load profile isn't representative of your operations, select the best fit from our complete library of load profiles.

Using seasonal weather profiles is recommended as it considers seasonal variations of temperature in your chosen location, weighting the temperatures seasonally rather than averaging the weighted yearly weather variations. The impact is the energy model will see wider temperature variations relevant to your chosen location, offering a more granular view of heat pump efficiency.

Capacity & temperature

Please provide additional details on capacity and temperature.
Tip: Try to avoid a like for like installation. Aim for a heat pump size which is at least 25% smaller than the existing boiler capacity.

Enter the peak heating capacity required. In some instances this could be the installed capacity from the equipment nameplate(s), or in another cases a known peak heating capacity (ie: from BMS trends, or site knowledge). Typically, plants with more than one piece of equipment, the nameplate will not accurately reflect peak heating load expectation.

How many hours does the plant normally operate for when it experiences the peak capacity you entered.

Tip: Reducing peak loads with thermal storage reduces the heat pump size and allows for demand response operation.
Tip: For every 10ºC reduction in the heating temperature, the heat pump will be 2-3% more
Tip: Heat pumps using CO2 as the refrigerant ideally need the return temperature below 30ºC

Existing energy & fuel

Tell us more about the existing energy & fuel on site.

Enter the cost of the fuel per GJ of fuel. If your usage data is in a different unit of measure, please convert to

Enter the blended average cost of electricity. This should be inclusive of all charges, including network and demand charges

Heat pump selection

Heat pump requirements

Do you need your plant to continue operating during demand response events or power outages (planned or unplanned).

Your heat pump estimate

Based on the information provided, here is your project report.
All monetary values are in Australian Dollars (A$) unless otherwise specified.
Heat pump results
Energy usage
Max demand
Heat pump size
Heating efficiency (COP)
Full load
Financials (estimated)
OPEX - Energy
OPEX - maintenance
Thermal size
Recommended size
Thermal storage size
coming soon
Estimated CAPEX
Business case
Net savings
Simple payback
Heat pump & thermal storage
Carbon certificates & credit

Please note: The actual value of white certificates you can generate should be calculated by a qualified organisation... read full disclaimer

© 2025 Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity .
All information on this website is provided "as-is" per our Terms of Use.
We do not guarantee accuracy of data either displayed or relied on in generating estimations.

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